Category Archives: emergency dentist

Kitchen Spices that Boosts Your Oral Health

Since ancient times, herbs and spices were used to address simple to complicated issues of your oral health. Modern science may have developed synthetic cures and treatments but the humble spices can still deliver and be as effective. Different spices can offer cleaning, healing and preventive effects of bacterial infections. These cooking aids can offer…

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Dental Benefits from the Sea: Fish Oils

The benefits of fish oil for our body have long been recognized by scientists and 24 hr dentists. It’s only recently that people start to realize that it also offers health benefits for our dental health. You can see labels from fish products or supplements that offer Omega 3 fatty acids. This indicates it’s good for…

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Gain Gum Health: One Apple-At-A-Time

We have always been warned of the bad effects of sugary foods on our dental health. All the signs are up yet we still can’t help but reach for that favorite snack on the grocery store. You can tell the state of people’s oral health with what you can see on their grocery bags. Dentists…

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Cheap, Healthy Treats for Teeth

When you find a dentist in Columbus Ohio, the very first thing you will learn is to stay away from sugary foods and drinks to keep your teeth healthy. We do a lot of stuff just to protect our oral health and yet we still have dental issues. Having a solid dental care regimen does not…

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Handle Fear & Phobia in Three Ways

For countless years, dental fear has affected millions of people. This makes it one of the most perilous and prevalent dental conditions to mankind of all ages. While stress is the primary factor that causes this problem, our 24 hour dentists in Columbus focus more on its adverse effects to the oral health and body; should the concerned person…

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Dental Perils of Having Trench Mouth

Gum disease is a severe infection that affects your gums and oral health. Aside from inducing oral risks, this could develop to general health issues, like heart disease, diabetes and stroke. This explains why preventing gum disease remains vital after all these years. Based on experts, gum disease involves a series of stages. Its mildest…

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Dental Risks Found in Oral Thrush

Just as how much we appreciate darkness, there’s light. Similar with the pure existence of goodness, there exists bad. Bad things mean experiencing awful circumstances, including dental problems that come from bad bacteria. There are two types of bacteria. These are good and bad. Good bacteria are microorganisms that improve your welfare and boost your…

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Hairy Things to Learn from Black Hairy Tongue

The hair seems to be a common asset to every person regardless of age and gender. But this case is pretty different if you found it on areas you least expected it. Just like having it on your tongue. Dental professionals called this a black hairy tongue problem. Just like its name, black hairy tongue means having hairs…

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Lethal Truths of Mouth Cancer

Proper dental hygiene maintains an excellent oral health. The technique requires you to be keen with healthy oral habits, including brushing and flossing of teeth on a daily basis. With you, practicing this preventive technique, you get to fight and prevent the potential risks of dental problems. This includes mouth cancer. Mouth cancer is like other forms of…

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Dental Inlays’ Healthy Facts & Perks

Dental fillings have carved a name in modern dentistry. Its efficiency impressed millions of people particularly those who need comfort despite their damaged tooth. One of the most in-demand dental fillings is amalgam filling. However, a restoration that involves metals seems off to some. Aside from causing allergies or adverse reactions to their health, metal…

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